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- Qiushi Li, Yaogen Shu, Zhong-Can Ou-Yang, Ming Li*, A critical survey on the kinetic assays of DNA polymerase fidelity from a new theoretical perspective, 2020,
- Chuanbiao Zhang, Xin Zhou*, Find Slow Dynamic Modes via Analyzing Molecular Dynamics Simulation Trajectories, Chin Phys B, accepted (2020).
- Mingzhe Shao, Yanting Wang, Xin Zhou*, Fast and Accurate Determination of Phase Transition Temperature via Individual Generalized Canonical Ensemble Simulation, Chin Phys B 29, 080505 (2020).
- Xiaofeng Zhang, Zilong Guo, Ping Ye, Qiushi Li, Xin Zhou*, Hu Chen*, Different potential of mean force of two-state protein GB1 and downhill protein gpW revealed by molecular dynamics simulation, Chin Phys B 29, 078701 (2020).
- Guanlei Zhao, Guisheng Zou, Wengan Zhao, Ruikun Geng, Xiao Yan, Zhiyuan He, Lei Liu, Xin Zhou, Jianyong Lv*, Jianjun Wang*, Rationally Designed Surface Microstructural Features for Enhanced Droplet Jumping and Anti-frosting Performance, Soft matter, Soft Matter, 2020, 16(18): 4462-4476.
- Qingrui Fang, Linhai Li, Han Xue, Heng Zhou, Lishan Zhao, Jie Liu, Junqiang Mao, Shuwang Wu, Shizhong Zhang, Chenyang Wu, Xueming Li, Xin Zhou*, Jianjun Wang*, Precise control over kinetics of molecular assembly for producing particles with tunable sizes and crystalline forms, Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed., accepted (2020) pub date: 2020-05-20,
- Guanlei Zhao, Guisheng Zou, Wengan Zhao, Ruikun Geng, Lei Liu*, Xin Zhou, Jianyong Lv*, Jianjun Wang*, Competing Effects between Condensing and Self-propelled Jumping of Water Droplets Determine Anti-frosting Performance of Superhydrophobic Surfaces, ACS Applied Materials &Interfaces 12(6), 7805-7814 (2020).
- Kai Wu, Shun Xu, Biao Wan, Peng Xiu*, and Xin Zhou*, A novel multiscale scheme to accelerate atomistic simulations of bio-macromolecules by adaptively driving coarse-grained coordinates, J Chem Phys 152, 114115 (2020). IF: 2.9
- Mingzhe Shao, Chuanbiao Zhang, Chonghai Qi, Chunlei Wang, Jianjun Wang, Fangfu Ye and Xin Zhou*, Hydrogen polarity of interfacial water regulates heterogeneous ice nucleation, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22,258-264 (2020). IF: 3.5
- Qiushi Li, Peidong Zheng, Yaogen Shu, Zhong-Can Ou-Yang, Ming Li*, The template-specific fidelity of DNA replication with high-order neighbor effects: a first-passage approach. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 100, 012131 (2019)
- ChuanBiao Zhang, FangFu Ye, Ming Li, and Xin Zhou*, Enhanced sampling based on slow variables of trajectory mapping, Sci. China Phys. Mech. Astron. 62, 67012 (2019) IF 4.2 doi:10.1007/s11433-018-9313-1
- Cheng Yang, Chuanbiao Zhang, Fangfu Ye*, and Xin Zhou*, Ultra-high-density local structure in liquid water, Chin. Phys. B 28, 116104 (2019).
- Jiezhong Shi, Haoyang Jia, Hao Chen, Xi Wang, Jiang-Fei Xu, Weibin Ren, Jiang Zhao, Xin Zhou, Yuanchen Dong, and Dongsheng Liu, Concentration Insensitive Supramolecular Polymerization Enabled by Kinetically Interlocking Multiple-Units Strategy, CCS Chem 1, 296-303 (2019).
- Han Xue, Youhua Lu, Hongya Geng, Bin Dong, Shuwang Wu, Qingrui Fan, Zhen Zhang, Xiaojun Li, Xin Zhou*, Jianjun Wang*, Hydroxyl Groups on the Graphene Surfaces Facilitate Ice Nucleation, J Phys. Chem. Lett., 10, 2458-2462 (2019). IF: 7.3
- Chuanbiao Zhang, Shun Xu, Xin Zhou*, Identifying metastable states of biomolecules by trajectory mapping and density peak clustering, Phys. Rev. E 100, 033301 (2019).
- Shenglin Jin, Lingkang Yin, Bin Kong, Shuwang Wu, Zhiyuan He, Han Xue, Zhang Liu, Qi Cheng, Xin Zhou* & Jianjun Wang* , Spreading fully at the ice-water interface is required for high ice recrystallization inhibition activity, SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry, 62, 909-915 (2019). IF: 6.1
- Qi Cheng, Shenglin Jin*, Kai Liu, Han Xue, Bingchen Huo, Xin Zhou*, and Jianjun Wang*, Modifying Surfaces with the Primary and Secondary Faces of Cyclodextrins To Achieve a Distinct Anti-icing Capability,Langmuir, 35 (15), 5176–5182 (2019). IF: 3.6
- Ming Li, Zhong-Can Ou-Yang and Yaogen Shu, Study on the Fidelity of Biodevice T7 DNA Polymerase, Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2018) - Volume 3: BIOINFORMATICS, pages 135-139, DOI: 10.5220/0006636101350139
- Ming Li, Zhongcan Ouyang, Yaogen Shu, Advances in the study of the mechanochemical coupling of kinesin (invited review),International Journal of Modern Physics B, 32(18): 1840001 (2018)
- Yongshun Song, Yaogen Shu, Xin Zhou, Zhong-Can Ou-yang, Ming Li*, Proofreading of DNA Polymerase: a new kinetic model with higher-order terminal effects, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 29(2017)025101
- 王曦,黎明,叶方富,周昕,DNA超分子水凝胶的粗粒化建模与模拟,物理学报(Acta Phys. Sin),66(15) : 150201,2017
- Chuanbiao Zhang, Jin Yu, and Xin Zhou*, Imaging metastable states and transitions in proteins by trajectory map, J. Phys. Chem. B 121, 4678 (2017).
- Zhen Dong, Jianjun Wang, and Xin Zhou*, Effect of antifreeze protein on heterogeneous ice nucleation based on a 2D random field Ising model, Phys. Rev. E 95,052140 (2017).
- Guohua Yuan, Shimin Le, Mingxi Yao, Hui Qian, Xin Zhou, Jie Yan*, and Hu Chen*, Elasticity of transition state leads to an unexpected mechanical stabilization of titin immunoglobulin domains, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 56,5490 (2017).
- Liang Zhao, Shun Xu, Yu-Song Tu*, and Xin Zhou*, Determination of the vapor-liquid transition of square-well particles using a novel generalized-canonical-ensemble-based method,Chin. Phys. B 26 (6) 060202 (2017).
- Biao Wan, Shun Xu, and Xin Zhou*, Effectively explore metastable states of proteins by adaptive non-equilibrium driving simulations, Phys. Rev. E 95, 033304 (2017).
- Yukun Lu, Xin Zhou*, and ZhongCan OuYang, Smoothing Potential Energy Surface of Proteins by Hybrid Coarse Grained Approach, Chin. Phys. B 26 (5) 050202 (2017).
- Ling-Kang Yin, Shun Xu, Seongmin Jeong, Yongseok Jho, Jian-Jun Wang, Xin Zhou*, Vapor-liquid coexisting morphology of all-atom water model through generalized isothermal isobaric ensemble molecular dynamics simulation, Acta Physica Sinica (物理学报), 66, 136102 (2017).
- Fei Yuan, Chuanbiao Zhang, Xin Zhou, Ming Li*, An improved algorithm for prediction of protein loop structure based on position specificity of amino acids, Acta Physica Sinica (物理学报), 65, 158701 (2016).
- Yang Li, Yongshun Song, Ming Li, Xin Zhou*, Simulation studies on the diffusion of water solitons in carbon nanotube, Acta Physica Sinica (物理学报), 65, 140202 (2016).
- Huige Yang, Chao Ma, Kaiyong Li, Kai Liu, Mark Loznik, Rosalie Teeuwen, Jan C. M. van Hest, Xin Zhou*, Andreas Herrmann*, and Jianjun Wang*, Tuning Ice Nucleation with Supercharged Polypeptides, Adv. Mat. 28, 5008 - 5012 (2016). Cited: 20. IF: 25.8
- Biao Wan, Cheng Yang, Yanting Wang, Xin Zhou*, Jarzynski matrix equality: Calculating the free energy difference by nonquilibrium simulations with an arbitrary initial distribution, Phys. Rev. E 93, 043312, (2016).
- Cheng Yang, Biao Wan, Shun Xu, Yanting Wang, Xin Zhou*, Equilibrium sampling by re-weighting non-equilibrium simulation trajectories, Phys. Rev. E 93, 033309, (2016).
- Cheng Yang, and Xin Zhou*, Multiple types of local structure in liquid water, Acta Physica Sinica, 65, 176501 (2016) DOI: 10.7498/aps.65.176501.
- 黎明,欧阳钟灿,舒咬根,驱动马达力学化学耦合机制研究进展, 物理学报 Acta Phys Sin, 65, 188702 (2016) [邀请综述]
- Yaogen Shu, Yong-Shun Song, Zhong-Can Ou-Yang and Ming Li*, A general theory of kinetics and thermodynamics of steady-state copolymerization, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 27 (2015) 235105
- Nannan Hai, Xin Zhou, and Ming Li*, Influences of the Structure of Lipids on Thermal Stability of Lipid Membranes, Commun. Theor. Phys. 64 (2015) 249–258
- Fen Wu, Yongshun Song, Zhiyong Zhao, Shusheng Zhang, Zhongqiang Yang, Zhibo Li, Ming Li*, Qing-Hua Fan*, and Dongsheng Liu*, Preparation and Self-Assembly of Supramolecular Coil−Rod−Coil Triblock Copolymer PPO−dsDNA−PPO, Macromolecules 2015, 48, 7550−7556
- Seongmin Jeong, Yongseok Jho*, and Xin Zhou*, Micro-structural Change During Nucleation: From Nucleus To Bicontinuous Morphology, Scientific Reports, 5, 15955 (2015).
- Minzhe Shao, Jianjun Wang*, Xin Zhou*, Anisotropy of Local Stress Tensor Leads to Line Tension, Scientific Reports, 5: 9491 (2015).
- Shun Xu, Xin Zhou*, Yi Jiang, and YanTing Wang, Fast Adaptive flat-histogram ensemble to enhance the sampling in large systems, Sci. Chin. Phys, Mech. & Astr. 58, 590501 (2015)
- Lin-Tai Da, Chao E, Baogen Duan, Chuanbiao Zhang, Xin Zhou, Jin Yu*, A Jump-from-Cavity Pyrophosphate Ion Release Assisted by a Key Lysine Residue in T7 RNA Polymerase Transcription Elongation, Plos Computational Biology, 11, 1004624 (2015).
- Linchen Gong, Xin Zhou*, and Zhongcan Ouyang, Reweighted ensemble dynamics simulations: theory, improvement, and application, Chin Phys B, 24,060202 (2015)
- Zhang Chuan-Biao, Ming Li, Zhou Xin*, The construction of general basis functions in reweighting ensemble dynamics simulations: Reproduce equilibrium distribution in complex systems from multiple short simulation trajectories, Chin. Phys. B 24, 120202 (2015).
- Shijing Lu, Xin Zhou*, Construction of Coarse-Grained Models by Reproducing Equilibrium Probability Density Function, Comm. Theo. Phys. 63,10 (2015).
- Xu Yue, Chen Hu, Qu Yu-Jie, Artem K. Efremov, Ming Li, Ouyang Zhong-Can, Liu Dong-Sheng, and Yan Jie, Mechano-chemical selections of two competitive unfolding pathways of a single DNA i-motif, Chin. Phys. B, 23(6) 068702 (2014)
- Xiaohu Zhang, Ming Li, Yanting Wang, Zhong-Can Ou-Yang, Formation and Dissociation of Protonated Cytosine-Cytosine Base Pairs in I-Motifs by Ab Initio Quantum Chemical Calculations, Chin. Phys. B. 2014, 23(2) : 020702
- Linchen Gong, Xin Zhou*, Zhongcan Ouyang, Systematically Constructing Kinetic Transition Network in Polypeptide from Top to Down: Trajectory Mapping, Plos one, 10, 0125932 (2014).
- Byoungkoo Lee, Xin Zhou, Kirstein Riching, Kevin W. Eliceiri, Patricia J. Keely, Scott A. Guelcher, Alissa M. Weaver, Yi Jiang*, A Three-Dimensional Computational Model of Collagen Network Mechanics, Plos One 9, e111896 (2014).
- SeongMin Jeong, Xin Zhou, Ekaterina B. Zhulina*, and YongSeok Jho*, Monte Carlo Simulation of the Neurofilament Brush, Israel J. Chem. doi:10.1002 (2014).
- Kaiyong Li, Shun Xu, Jing Chen, Qianlan Zhang, Yifan Zhang, Dapeng Cui, Xin Zhou, Jianjun Wang*, and Yanlin Song, Viscosity of interfacial water regulates ice nucleation, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 101605 (2014).
- Ziqing Wang, Yaigen Shu, and Ming Li*, New Cooperation Mechanism of Kinesin Motors when Extracting Membrane Tube , Commun. Theor. Phys. 60 (2013) 753–760
- Fanlong Meng, Ming Li, Xin Zhou, and Zhong-can Ou-yang, A theoretical study of entropy-driven polymer transport through finite-size nanochannels, Chemical Physics Letters 565 (2013) 116–121
- Rui Ma, Ming Li, Zhong-Can Ou-Yang and Yaogen Shu, Master equation approach for a cross-bridge power-stroke model with a finite number of motors, PHYSICAL REVIEW E 87, 052718 (2013)
- Jing Chen, Renmei Dou, Dapeng Cui, Qiaolan Zhang, Yifan Zhang, Fujian Xu, Xin Zhou, Jianjun Wang*, Yanlin Song, and Lei Jiang, Robust Prototypical Anti-icing Coatings with a Self-lubricating Liquid Water Layer between Ice and Substrate, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 5, 4026-4030 (2013).
- Yaogen Shu, Xiaohu Zhang, Zhong-Can. Ou-yang, and Ming. Li*, The neck linker of kinesin 1 seems optimally designed to approach the largest stepping velocity: a simulation study of an ideal model, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24 (2012) 035105
- Chun Chen, Ming Li*, Yongzheng Xing, Zhongqiang Yang and Dongsheng Liu*, Study of of pH-Induced Folding and Unfolding Kinetics of DNA i-motif by Stopped-flow Circular Dichroism, Langmuir, 2012, 28, 17743−17748
- Kaiyong Li, Shun Xu, Wenxiong Shi, Min He, Huiling Li, Shuzhou Li, Xin Zhou, Jianjun Wang*, and Yanlin Song, Investigating the Effects of Solid Surfaces on Ice Nucleation, Langmuir, 28, 10749-10754 (2012).
- Min He, Xin Zhou, Xiping Zeng, Dapeng Cui, Qiaolan Zhang, Jing Chen, Huiling Li, Jianjun Wang*, Zexian Cao, Yanlin Song and Lei Jiang, Hierarchically structured porous aluminum surfaces for high-efficient removal of condensed water, Soft Matter, 8, 6680 (2012).
- Shun Xu, Xin Zhou*, Zhong-Can Ou-Yang, Parallel Tempering Simulation on Generalized Canonical Ensemble,Comm. in Comput. Phys. 12, 1293 (2012).
- Guanghong Zuo, Peng Xiu, Xin Zhou, Ruhong Zhou, Haiping Fang*, Conformational Changes of the Protein Domains Upon Binding with Carbon Nanotubes Studied by Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Current Physical Chemistry, 2, 12-22 (2012).
- Guanghong Zuo, Xin Zhou, Qing Huang, Haiping Fang, and Ruhong Zhou,Adsorption of Villin Headpiece onto Graphene, Carbon Nanotube, and C60: Effect of Contacting Surface Curvatures on Binding Affinity,J. Phys. Chem. C, 115, 23323-23328,(2011).
- Pakpoom Reunchan, Xin Zhou, Sukit Limpijumnong*, Anderson Janotti, Chris G. Van de Walle Vacancy Defects in Indium Oxide: An ab-initio Study,Current Applied Physics, 11, S296 (2011).
- Linchen Gong, Ming Li*, Zhong-can Ou-yang, Investigation on energetic optimization problems of stochastic thermodynamics with iterative dynamic programming,Communications in Computational Physics, 7(5), 904-926 (2010), May 2010
- Yaogen Shu, Ming Li*, Substeps of kinesin studied with a neck linker swing model, Modern Physics letters.B. 24(6) : 539–548 (2010)
- Linchen Gong and Xin Zhou*, Kinetic Transition Network based on Trajectory Mapping,Kinetic Transition Network based on Trajectory Mapping,J. Phys. Chem. B 114, 10266,(2010).
- Weihua Mu, Ming Li, Wei Wang and Zhong-can Ou-Yang,Study of axial strain-induced torsion of single-wall carbon nanotubes using the 2D continuum anharmonic anisotropic elastic model, New J. Phys. 11(2009) 113049
- Ziqing Wang, Ming Li, Force-velocity relations for multiple-molecular-motor transport, Phys. Rev. E, 80: 041923-1 (2009)
- Ming Li, Yaogen Shu, Zhong-can Ou-Yang,Mechanochemical coupling of kinesin studied with a neck-linker swing model, Communications in Theoretical Physics,51:1143-1148 (2009)
- Linchen Gong and Xin Zhou*, Structuring and Sampling in Complex Conformational Space: Weighted Ensemble Dynamics, Phys. Rev. E 80, 026707 (2009). Cited: 17
- Xin Zhou and Yi Jiang, Fast Adaptive Flat-histogram Ensemble for Calculating Density of States and Enhanced Sampling in Large Systems, arXiv0811.1829, (2008).
- Xin Zhou, Yi Jiang, Steen Rasmussen, and Hans Ziock, Bridging coarse-grained models by jump-in-sample simulations, J. Chem. Phys. 128, 174107 (2008).
- Ming Li* , Zhong-can Ou-Yang, Concentration-Induced Shape Transition of Nano-aggregates in Solution, Thin Solid Films, 517 (2008) 1424–1427
- Ming Li*, Zhong-Can Ou-Yang,DNA as active polymer: long-range allosteric effect and chromatin loop structure,Computer Physics Communications,2007,177:176–179
- Xin Zhou and Yi Jiang, A general long-time molecular dynamics scheme in atomistic systems: Hyperdynamics in entropy dominated systems, Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci. 4487, 826 - 833 (2007).
- Xin Zhou, Yi Jiang, Kurt Kremer, Hans Ziock, and Steen Rasmussen, Hyperdynamics for entropic systems: Time-space compression and pair correlation function approximation, Phys. Rev. E 74, 035701(R) (2006).
- Run-Wei Li, Xin Zhou, Alexei Belik, Jun-ichi Inoue, Kazushi Miki, and Bao-Gen Shen, Current effects and topology of current path in Pr0.7Pb0.3MnO3 single crystals, J. Appl. Phys. 100, 113902 (2006).
- Run-Wei Li, Xin Zhou, Alexei Belik, Jun-ichi Inoue, Kazushi Miki, and Bao-Gen Shen, Current effects in electronically phase-separated in Pr0.7Pb0.3MnO3 single crystals, J. Appl. Phys. 99, 08Q301 (2006).
- Run-Wei Li, Xin Zhou, Bao-Gen Shen and Burkard Hillebrands, Process dependence of transport properties in phase-separated Pr0.7Pb0.3MnO3 single crystals, Phys. Rev. B 71, 092407 (2006).
- Ming Li*, Long-Range Allosteric Effect of DNA and Chromatin Loop Structure, AAPPS Bulletin, 2006, 16 (3) : 34-39
- Jing Han,Ming Li and Lei Guo, Soft Control on Collective Behavior of a Group of Autonomous Agents by a Shill Agent, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2006,19:54-62
- Ming Li* and Zhong-can Ou-Yang, An exact numerical method to calculate the base-unpairing probability for any given DNA sequence by Benham model, Thin Solid Film, 2006, 499:207-212
- Xin Zhou, Denis Andrienko, Luigi Delle Site, and Kurt Kremer, Flow boundary conditions for chain-end adsorbing polymer blends, J. Chem. Phys. 123, 104904 (2005).
- Xin Zhou, Denis Andrienko, Luigi Delle Site, and Kurt Kremer, Dynamic surface decoupling in a sheared polymer melt polycarbonate melt sheared over a nickel surface, Europhys. Lett. 70, 264 - 270 (2005). Cited: 26
- Ming Li* and Zhong-can Ou-Yang, Predicting the function of eukaryotic scaffold/matrix attachment regions via DNA mechanics, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 2005,17:S2853-S2860
- Xin Zhou and Mitsumasa Iwamoto, Heat Conduction and Long-Range Spatial Correlation in 1D models, J. Phys. A 37, 11123 - 11133 (2004).
- Xin Zhou, Cheng-Quan Li and Mitsumasa Iwamoto, Equilibrium and Kinetics: Water Confined in Carbon Nanotube as 1D Lattice Gas, J. Chem. Phys. 121, 7996 - 8002 (2004).
- Hu Chen, Xin Zhou, Chih Young Liaw, and Chan Ghee Koh, Kinetic analysis of protein folding lattice models, Mod. Phys. Lett. B 18, 163 - 172 (2004).
- Xin Zhou, Hu Chen, and Mitsumasa Iwamoto, Orientational orders of small anisotropic molecules confined in slit pores, J. Chem. Phys. 120, 5322 - 5326 (2004).
- Xin Zhou, Hu Chen, and Mitsumasa Iwamoto, Orientational orders in binary mixtures of hard HGO molecules, J. Chem. Phys. 120, 1832 - 1836 (2004).
- Xin Zhou, Hu Chen and M. Iwamoto, Orientation Orders of Small Anisotropic Molecules in Confinement, AIP Conference Proceedings 708, 170-171 (2004). The 3th International Symposium on Slow Dynamics in Complex Systems, Sendai, Japan (November 3 - 8, 2003).
- 黎明, 欧阳钟灿,“DNA单分子力学及相关生物学”, 科学(双月刊),2003,55(6): 15-19
- Xin Zhou, Hu Chen, and Mitsumasa Iwamoto, Nonunique steady states in the disordered harmonic chain, Phys. Rev. E 66, 061202 (2002).
- Hu Chen, Xin Zhou, and Zhong-Can Ou-Yang, Classification of amino acids based on statistical results of known structures and cooperativity of protein folding, Phys. Rev. E 65, 061907 (2002).
- Yong Zhang, Xin Zhou, Jianjun Zhou, and Z.-C. Ou-Yang, Triconcave solution to the Helfrich variation problem for the shape of lipid bilayer vesicles is found by ``Surface Evolver'', Int. J. Mod. Phys. B16, 511 - 517 (2002).
- Jianjun Zhou, Yong Zhang, Xin Zhou, and Zhong-Can Ou-Yang, Large Deformation of Spherical Vesicle Studied by Perturbation Theory and ``Surface Evolver'', Int. J. Mod. Phys. B15, 2977 - 2991 (2001).
- Xin Zhou, Hu Chen, and Ou-Yang Zhong-can, Can electric field induced energy gaps in metallic carbon nanotubes? J. Phys: cond. matt. 13, L635 - L640 (2001).
- Hu Chen, Xin Zhou, and Zhong-Can Ou-Yang, Secondary-structure-favored hydrophobic-polar lattice model of protein folding, Phys. Rev. E 64, 041905 (2001). Cited: 11
- Hu Chen, Xin Zhou, and Zhong-Can Ou-Yang, Difference between ``protein-like'' and ``non-protein-like'' heteropolymers, Phys. Rev. E 63, 031913 (2001).
- Xin Zhou, Hu Chen, Jianjun Zhou, and Ou-Yang Zhong-can, The structure relaxation of Carbon nanotube, Physica B 304, 86 - 90 (2001). Cited: 22
- Zhou Xin, Zhou Jianjun, and Ou-Yang Zhong-can, Strain energy and Young's modulus of single-wall carbon nanotubes calculated from electronic energy-band theory, Phys. Rev. B 62, 13692- 13696 (2000).
- Zhou Xin, Zhou Jianjun, and Ou-Yang Zhong-can, The elastic theory of carbon nanotubes, Proceeding on International Workshop on Fundamental Study and Application of Intelligent Nano and Mesoscopic Structured Materials by Field Control, Ed. By S. Chonan, J. Tani, T. Watanabe and Y. Yamazaki, Japan (18-19, Aug. 2000).